Our SATS Practice Tests are the most accurate that you will find. They cover all the core subjects and are fully updated for the new National Curriculum guidelines. Detailed mark schemes are also included so you can easily assess and mark your child’s work.
Full length SATs practice papers for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 SATs.
All subjects covered. Fully updated for the new National Curriculum. Mark schemes included.
SATs practice papers are taken by students nationwide towards the end of Year 2 (KS1) and Year 6 (KS2). These tests are used to benchmark your child's academic level against their peer group.
Our SATs practice tests cover every aspect of the examination process including Mathematics, Reading and English grammar, punctuation and spelling (SPAG). Mark schemes are included. You can use these practice tests to identify knowledge gaps and then to fill these gaps effectively with targeted practice.
A great way for students to familiarise themselves with the exam format and question styles, whilst perfecting their exam technique. Our resources are designed to be challenging, effective and engaging. Knowing what to expect ahead of an exam helps children feel more confident and less stressed about the whole experience.
Fully up to date to match the style of the new SATs examinations in line with the recent changes to the National Curriculum. Reviewed and updated regularly to ensure they are current and accurate. We match the timings of the actual exam sub-sections so your child can get used to working under time pressure.
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We have been going through the SATs Exam Papers Plus SATs tests with our pupils. The papers are accurate and well designed, and are proving to be an excellent practice resource. Jane Callahan, Primary School Teacher
I am using the KS2 SATs practice papers to help my daughter in the run-up to her test. The mark scheme has allowed me to easily check her work and give her useful and constructive feedback. Wilma Arnold, mother of a Year 6 student
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