Our past exam papers are designed to set your child up for success. Exam paper practice is an effective way to prepare for any assessment as it allows your child to understand the trends and question styles that are likely to come up in their exam. This means your child will be better prepared for what they encounter on exam day, and there will be no unwelcome surprises. Familiarity also leads to confidence, so working through past exam papers means you can reduce the stress of the unknown in the exam preparation process.
Maximise your child's chances of succeeding in their exam by equipping them with the most effective tools to learn and improve. Working through past exam papers is one of the most efficient ways to prepare for an exam as it means your child will cover the key topics and types of questions ahead of their assessment. They will also be able to hone and perfect their exam technique , ensuring that they can work effectively under time pressure.
I highly recommend Exam Paper Plus to all 11+ parents. The practice papers with answers are easy to use and videos with explanations are excellent. It really is excellent value for money. Thank you Exam Paper Plus. Ainash A.
Good papers which accurately predict assessments. Miriam L.
I feel they are the most accurate resources in the market. Gianna T.
Highly recommend Exam Papers Plus papers. They have been very beneficial for my daughter's preparation for her 11+ exams. Arshiya M.
The papers are always on point and a true reflection of what the schools present at assessment. Well worth the effort to purchase papers from Exam Papers Plus. Kiranpal S.
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