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How to Use KS2 SATs Practice Exam Papers

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Using KS2 SATs practice papers is a valuable part of your child’s exam preparation. Not only do they help to keep revision focused on the important subjects, but they also allow children to practice SATs exam-style questions.


In this article, we look at how practice SATs papers at KS2 level can help your child succeed in the exam.


Introduce Papers Early


Practice papers will help your child become familiar with the types of questions they may be asked in the KS2 SATs exam. The more your child understands the tests, the more comfortable they’ll be on the day. Similarly, the longer your child has to revise, the more opportunity they’ll have to retain all the information they’ll need. Early learning, little and often, is the best approach to using practice papers.


Track Progress


You can regularly track your child’s progress with our KS2 SATs papers. If your objective is to obtain an overview of how your child might perform in the SATs tests, then have your child take the tests under timed conditions.


However, if you are using the tests to identify any gaps in your child’s subject knowledge, then the time limit could be altered to ensure that your child is given enough flexibility to complete the test.


Practice tests help highlight the topics your child hasn’t mastered yet. To help them improve their knowledge, consider introducing different revision techniques into their study routine. Similarly, practice SATs papers can tell you which topics your child is most comfortable with, allowing you to direct their learning to other areas.


Practice Exam Papers as Mock Exams


Key Stage 2 SATs: Practice Test 1


Key Stage 2 SATs: Practice Test 2


A popular way of using KS2 practice exam papers is to do them under timed conditions, as a mock exam in order to give your child a more realistic experience. When using practice papers as mock exams, it’s important that students stick strictly to the time limit. They should also avoid talking to anyone during this time, and shouldn’t refer to study materials.


If, for example, they are stuck on a question, they should learn to move onto the next one and return to it at the end. This way, they are more likely to answer as many questions as possible within the allotted time. Students who sit practice papers under timed conditions tend to perform better than those who simply revise.


It’s better for children to experience the disappointment of underperforming in a timed mock exam, than in the actual exam. Doing practice SATs papers under timed conditions helps focus children’s attention and develops the skills they need to perform under the pressure of exam conditions.


Reduce Anxiety


KS2 SATs will likely be the first time your child has experienced formal exam conditions, and understandably, they may feel anxious about sitting the tests. By using practice papers, children can familiarise themselves with the structure and layout of the exam. The more comfortable they are with the types of questions they may be asked, the less they are likely to be anxious about it.


Reinforce Learning


Practice papers don’t just measure how much your child knows, or how well they are prepared for the KS2 SATs tests, they also help reinforce learning. Practice papers enable students to put their theory into practice by testing their ability to recall information and processes.


Focusing on practice papers throughout a child’s KS2 SATs preparation can also help them get used to receiving feedback, which is an essential skill for them to develop.



Related posts:

KS2 SATs Preparation Tips

Key Stage 2 SATs: A Parent’s Guide


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