Practice Papers 11+ 11+ Sutton (SET) Practice Test 13
2024-2025 Edition · Video explanations included
11+ Sutton (SET) Practice Test 13
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- Complete 11+ Sutton Selective Eligibility Test practice test covering the full examination syllabus for Maths and English
- Covers the new SET English format: Sections A, B, C and D, including multiple answer questions, comparing texts and more
- Matches the format of the SET Maths test, including timing, style and number of questions
- Includes specific marking guidance for multiple answer questions
- Created by assessment experts
- Builds confidence and improves performance
- Answer sheets included so your child can get used to marking their responses just like in the actual exam
- Answers included
- Aim for a score of 75%+ in this practice test
- Ideal preparation for students seeking 11+ entrance to Grammar Schools in Sutton
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