Practice Papers 11+ 11+ Mathematics: Operations (Independent Schools)
2024-2025 Edition · Video explanations included
11+ Mathematics: Operations (Independent Schools)
Price £20
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- 100 Operations questions to solve
- Ideal for focused and targeted improvement of this topic
- Standard, open-answer format
- Covers full 11+ Maths syllabus for Operations
- Varied and challenging questions
- Covers topics that come up frequently in 11+ Independent School exams
- Created by assessment experts
- Builds confidence and improves performance
- Answers included
- Click here to view the Grammar School version of this product.
- NOTE: There is no duplication of content between the Grammar School and Independent School versions. The questions in each pack are unique and original.
- If your child is preparing for Grammar and Independent School 11+ Exams, both packs will prove beneficial.
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