In Person Courses 7+ 7+ Easter Course

Video explanations included

7+ Easter Course

Price £1,100 + VAT

Date & Time: 7-11 April 2025, 10am - 4pm Venue: Azbuka School

This is our first 7+ preparation course of the year. This invaluable course will enable you to gauge your child’s current strengths and weaknesses, giving you early insight into what they will need to do before the exams. It will help you to strategically prepare them over the months ahead.


Led by experienced EPP tutors and former teachers, this course will provide a programme of skills-based study using exclusive EPP materials.


As well as a week of rigorous learning, there will be added take home material for you to work on with your child after the course, to consolidate and reinforce. A detailed report will be prepared at the end of the course, so you will see how your child has performed and the areas they will need to focus on in the coming months, providing invaluable structure for your 7+ journey.


Our courses are taught in small groups in a fun and lively atmosphere. The aim is to build your child’s confidence and skills with plenty of encouragement and positive reinforcement.


We’ve been running these courses for a number of years and we know exactly what is required to succeed at 7+ in the top schools. Previous course attendees have gone on to gain places at a number of top schools, including Alleyn’s, Bute House, City (soon to be City Junior School), Dulwich College Junior School, King’s Wimbledon, Habs’ (boys’ and girls’), Highgate, Latymer, NLCS, St Paul’s Juniors, UCS and Westminster Under.


Topics covered will include:

  • Composition and creative writing
  • Vocabulary & SPaG
  • Comprehension and responding to different extracts
  • Dictation
  • Number
  • Calculations
  • Word problems
  • Fractions
  • Money
  • Time
  • Measurement, shape and space
  • VR
  • NVR
  • Timed tasks, exam techniques and mini mock exams
  • Communication skills


All our courses reinforce exam technique, promote confidence and provide constructive activity during the school holiday.


If you have booked an in-person course, we will send a logistics email to you approx 1 week before the course takes place. Please read it carefully. This will confirm important details like timings and what your child needs to bring with them. All courses will begin on time. If you do not receive this email, please contact us here

We cannot guarantee a nut free/allergen free environment.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact us here.

Cancellation Policy

For a full refund, please refer to the date on your invoice. We cannot refund after this date unless we are able to fill the place.

Date: 7 Apr 2025
Time: 10am - 4pm
Venue: Azbuka School, Studland Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 0JS

Price £1,100 + VAT