Advice 8+ Year 3 Blundell’s School 8 Plus (8+) Entrance Exam Information – Key Details

Blundell’s School 8 Plus (8+) Entrance Exam Information – Key Details

Written by Louise Lang



Basic information: Blundell’s School is a co-ed day and boarding independent school in Tiverton, Devon. Founded in 1604 by one of the richest men in England (at the time), it has educated an impressive number of notable former pupils, including authors, statesmen, ambassadors, a Nobel Prize recipient and an Olympic gold medal winner. [1]


Curriculum: The curriculum in the Prep School allows pupils to thoroughly explore their learning capacity and academic preferences, as well as their non-academic interests. Subjects range from computing, drama and science to DT, humanities and PSHEE, allowing children to develop across different areas of knowledge through engaging teaching delivered in great depth and detail. 


Co-curricular: The extracurricular provision extensively addresses pupils’ individual needs, aiming to satisfy their appetites for learning (through fun) beyond the classroom. In line with this, Blundell’s offers numerous club activities along with the Outdoor Learning programme, led by a team of highly experienced and qualified staff to ensure that each child develops teamwork, problem-solving, risk-taking and leadership qualities as vital to future successes. [2]


ISI Inspection Report: The most recent ISI report for the school reflects Blundell’s efforts to deliver an education of the highest standard. According to its summary, the school is comprehensively invested in providing a safe and supportive environment where positive relationships flourish, grounded in mutual respect, tolerance and responsibility for one’s actions. [3


In line with the motto Non-Sibi (not for oneself), Blundell’s nurtures a spirit of togetherness within its tight-knit community. Pupils engage in interactions as articulate and socially proficient individuals and enthusiastically participate in the educational experience, rooted in the aims to inspire a life of meaning and purpose. 


Blundell’s School 8 Plus (8+) Exam Information


Address: Tiverton, EX16 4NA

County: Devon

Admissions info: or 01884 252393

School type: Independent, co-ed day and boarding school

Open days: In the Spring and Autumn Terms

8+ Exam date: At a mutually convenient date


Open Events for Blundell’s School 8 Plus (8+) Entry


Blundell’s host School in Action Days for prospective families, providing them with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the school’s extensive offering. Packed with activities, the events include tours of facilities and presentations from the Head and other members of staff. Taster days can also be arranged. For more information, please reach out to the school. 


Blundell’s School 8 Plus (8+) Admissions


Entry into Year 4 is based upon the quality of the reports from your child’s school and their performance in formal and informal assessments. 


If they are offered a place, you will be asked to accept it by submitting a completed Acceptance form together with a payment of a deposit.


Blundell’s School 8 Plus (8+) Scholarships and Bursaries


Scholarships are not available. Please reach out to the school to learn if you can apply for a bursary.


Blundell’s School 8 Plus (8+) Exam Format


The Blundell’s School 8 Plus (8+) exam consists of the following assessments:


  • English (multiple-choice)
  • Mathematics (multiple-choice)


The English assessment (in multiple-choice format) examines comprehension, including inference and grammar.


The Maths exam assesses problem-solving abilities and arithmetic skills, including your child’s knowledge of times tables.


Please see below for further details and recommendations on how to prepare for the Blundell’s School 8 Plus entrance examination.


How to Prepare for the Blundell’s School 8 Plus (8+) Entrance Assessment 


Practice tests are an effective tool for preparation for the Blundell’s School 8+ exam. With the help of our practice tests, designed and formatted to match the actual exams, your child will learn to deal with various 8+ exam question types quickly and confidently. 


The benefits for your child are numerous: the tests provide focused practice and familiarity with a wide variety of possibilities and examples, serving as an indicator of any weaker areas that require additional work ahead of the exam. We suggest starting early with your revision so that you have plenty of time to identify subject areas that need additional work.


The majority of our 8+ resources are accompanied by detailed step-by-step video tutorials for every question. These are available for free with all purchases. It’s like having a world-class tutor explain each question to your child at no extra cost!


Our practice tests are used successfully every year by tens of thousands of students targeting schools with a competitive entrance exam. They are age-appropriate, reflecting the demands of the actual exam.


Our recommendations to help your child prepare for the Blundell’s School 8 Plus entrance exam can be found below.


Blundell’s School 8 Plus (8+) Exam Practice Papers


Note: Although most of the below recommendations are in standard format, not multiple-choice, they are still a relevant source of material for practice ahead of the Blundell’s School 8+ exam.




We highly recommend the following packs to prepare successfully for the Blundell’s School 8 Plus English assessment. They will help improve your child’s comprehension skills:


Full Practice Tests


8+ English Pack 4

8+ English Pack 5


Comprehension Skills


8+ Reading Workbook

8+ English: Comprehension Pack 2

8+ English: Inference Skills

8+ English: Vocabulary and Grammar


The Complete Guide to 8+ Comprehension




We highly recommend the use of the following packs to help develop your child’s arithmetic and problem-solving skills within the examination context of the Blundell’s School 8 Plus maths test:


Full Practice Tests


8+ Mathematics Pack 1

8+ Mathematics Pack 2

8+ Mathematics Pack 3

8+ Mathematics Pack 4

8+ Mathematics Pack 5


Targeted Skill Development


8+ Mathematics: Mental Arithmetic

8+ Mathematics: Problem Solving




The following pack is ideal for developing listening skills ahead of the Blundell’s School 8 Plus entrance exam, helping your child learn how to follow instructions carefully:


8+ Listening Pack 1



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Our practice tests aim to show what sort of questions have been included in Blundell’s School 8+ past papers. The information provided about Blundell’s School is believed to be correct at the time of publishing. However, please be aware of future changes. We advise you to contact the school directly if you are unsure of anything. School contact details are provided within the article.


Please note that Exam Papers Plus is an independent publisher of practice tests and resources, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Blundell’s School.


Other entry points for Blundell’s School:


Click here to learn about Year 3 entry via the 7 Plus (7+) Exam

Click here to learn about Year 7 entry via the 11 Plus (11+) Exam

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