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Advice 11 Plus Year 6 *NEW* 11+ English: Poetry Comprehension Pack » Key Details

*NEW* 11+ English: Poetry Comprehension Pack » Key Details

Written by Louise Lang

We’ve just released a new product:


11+ English: Poetry Comprehension


What’s included?


This pack includes 6 comprehension practice tests based on poems.


The questions are all in standard format, not multiple-choice. This means your child needs to write their own detailed responses.


Model answers are provided for each question so you can mark and assess your child’s work easily.


Advice and guidance are provided alongside the answers.


Key Benefits


An increasing number of schools now use comprehension tests based on poetry in their 11+ English exams.


Poetry analysis also features heavily in second stage (post Pretest) and interview assessments.


Many students struggle with poetry as they are not sure how to approach and analyse the material.


Therefore, we made sure this pack focuses on the core themes and question types that your child needs to be aware of when dealing with poetry comprehension.


Each poem has been specially chosen to target the core skills students need to develop to do well.


Your child will need to write out their answers in detail so they can get used to processing their responses in clear and succinct sentences.


Model answers are provided for every question as well as marking guidance and advice.


Click here to learn more and view some sample pages. This pack is available to download, print and use immediately after purchase.


We hope you find this new resource beneficial. As ever, if you have any questions or queries, get in touch!

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