Initially founded in 1904 as Dover County School, Dover Grammar School for Girls (DGGS) is a grammar school in Kent. It educates approximately 880 pupils, primarily girls aged 11 to 18, although it also admits boys in the Sixth Form. [1]
The school proudly offers a comprehensive curriculum and a wide range of extracurricular activities. With its rigorous syllabus, pupils can learn about various disciplines (such as mathematics, science and technology), and think outside the box as an effective way of nurturing their intellectual growth.
The abundant programme of extras boasts everything from debating, drama and athletics to Physiology Club, poetry and chess. Relevant and overarching, the offering maximises girls’ attainment, introducing them to an array of possibilities for social development while facilitating their creative and sporting potential. [2]
DGGS embodies respect, cooperation, gratitude, intellectual curiosity, aspiration, diligence and creativity as its core values. It believes these qualities define exemplary citizens, so they’re incorporated into every aspect of students’ daily life at the school – from the curriculum itself to annual arts and sports competitions.
The school has an enviable reputation, and Ofsted gave it an “Outstanding” score following a recent inspection. [3]
Dover Grammar School for Girls 11 Plus (11+) Exam Information 2025
Address: Frith Road, Dover CT16 2PZ
County: Kent
Admissions info:, 01304 206 625
School type: Girls’ grammar
Number of places in Year 7: 130
Open Day date: June
Exam date: September 2025
Pass mark: Aim for 75%+ in our practice tests. See below for more details.
Exam type / Board: Kent 11 Plus (PESE) Test or the Dover Test
Dover Grammar School for Girls 11 Plus (11+) Admissions
Prospective pupils have the choice of sitting either the Dover Test or the Kent Test at 11 Plus. Students must take at least one of these tests in order to be considered for a Year 7 place.
Before registering your daughter for the exam, it is advised that you visit the school during Open Evening. At this event, school staff will answer any questions you may have regarding the admissions process and the educational offer.
In recent years, the ratio of applicants to Year 7 places at Dover Grammar School for Girls has been 3:1. When the number of applicants exceeds the spaces available, places will be allocated in the following order of priority:
- Children in Local Authority Care, or previously in Local Authority Care
- Children with a sibling already attending the school
- Medical, health, social and special access reasons
- Children in receipt of Pupil Premium
- Children’s who live closer to the school.
To learn more about the Dover Grammar School for Girls Year 7 admissions process, please visit this page. You can view the school’s exact location on the map below:
How to Apply for 11 Plus (11+) Entry to Dover Grammar School for Girls
The registration process depends on the exam your daughter will be sitting as part of the 11+ admissions process. For the Kent Test, registrations are made through the Kent County Council’s website, while for the Dover Test, registrations are made through the school’s website.
Please note that, for the Dover Test, the school will not accept late applications. You will also be asked to complete the Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF) and submit it to Kent County Council, stating DGGS as your preferred school.
Does Dover Grammar School for Girls belong to a Consortium?
Dover Grammar School for Girls belongs to the Kent 11+ Consortium, a group of schools that use the same entrance exam format and share a very similar admissions process.
Does Dover Grammar School for Girls have a catchment area?
Dover Grammar School for Girls does not have a formal catchment area. However, in most cases, it prioritises prospective pupils who live closer to the school.
Dover Grammar School for Girls 11 Plus (11+) Exam Format
Dover Grammar School for Girls uses both the Kent 11 Plus exam and the Dover Test.
➢ The Kent Test consists of Reasoning, English and Maths, as well as a writing task. The exam takes the following format:
- An hour-long, multiple-choice exam that tests a pupil’s reasoning abilities. Girls will be tested on Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Spatial Reasoning.
- An hour-long, multiple-choice exam that tests English and Maths. Each question will have 5 answer choices and your child will need to mark their responses on a separate answer sheet.
- A writing task that lasts for 40 minutes, including 10 minutes’ preparation time. This task isn’t marked for the purposes of the 11 Plus exam but may be used as evidence for borderline or appeal cases.
➢ The Dover Test covers Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning and also tests at the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Maths and English level.
How to Prepare for the Dover Grammar School for Girls 11 Plus (11+) Exam?
To effectively prepare your daughter for the Kent Test, clearly outline the topics that need to be covered and incorporate practice tests into her study routine to improve her exam technique. Our resources provide insight into the actual exam layout, preparing your daughter for the types of questions she will encounter on test day.
Practicing with our tests will help identify her strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to adjust her studying schedule accordingly. Such a structured approach tends to help children overcome their nerves and gain a significant advantage over other candidates.
Essential to the Kent Test 11+ preparation process, our practice papers are tailored to be age-appropriate and challenging and are successfully used by thousands of students annually. They are available for immediate download, print and use after purchase.
Dover Grammar School for Girls 11 Plus (11+) Exam Pass Marks and Target Scores
Following the exam, your child will receive three standardised scores, one for English, one for Mathematics, and one total score including Reasoning. In order to pass the exam, your child’s standardised score must be over 109 and their total score must be 332 or more. [1]
Based on historical data, we have found that students who are able to score 75%+ consistently in our 11+ Kent practice tests are on track to pass the Dover Grammar School for Girls Test.
Whilst there are no guarantees, this has historically been a fairly strong indicator that your child should do well in the Dover Grammar School for Girls 11+ exam. Please click here to learn more.
Dover Grammar School For Girls 11 Plus (11+) Practice Exam Papers
We highly recommend the following resources that have been specifically designed for the Kent Test:
Pre-11+ Practice Tests
➢ The Kent Pre-11+ Practice Tests are designed for Year 4 and 5 students to introduce the exam format and boost their confidence. These tests are less challenging than the Kent 11+ Exam. They offer an accurate yet more straightforward representation of the actual exam, allowing students to familiarise themselves with exam specifics. This approach provides a solid foundation for students to progress to more challenging 11+ Practice Tests.
✅ You can now purchase a bundle of all of our Kent Pre-11+ Practice Tests at a large discount. Click the button below to learn more:
✅ Alternatively, you can choose a bundle of five of our recommended full practice tests for the Kent Pre-11+ Exam, and still save 15%. Select the relevant bundle below to learn more:
Kent – Full Practice Tests
➢ The following practice tests are specifically designed to help your child prepare for the Kent Test. They provide excellent mock exam preparation, highlighting your child’s strengths and weaknesses:
✅ You can now purchase a bundle of all of our recommended full practice resources for the Kent 11+ Exam at a large discount. Click the button below to learn more:
11+ Kent Tests 1-15 Bundle - Save 25%
✅ Alternatively, you can choose a bundle of five of our recommended full practice tests for the Kent 11+ Exam, and still save 15%. Select the relevant bundle below to learn more:
11+ Kent Tests 1-5 Bundle - Save 15%
11+ Kent Tests 6-10 Bundle - Save 15%
11+ Kent Tests 11-15 Bundle - Save 15%
Kent – Subject Specific Practice
➢ The following 11+ resources provide full preparation for the English section of the Kent Test, maximising your child’s comprehension and writing skills:
Full Practice Tests
Skill specific practice
If you’d like to have your child’s writing assessed and marked, you may be interested in our Writing Marking Service. Please click here to learn more.
✅ You can now purchase a bundle of all of our recommended resources for the English section of the Kent 11+ Exam at a large discount. Click the button below to learn more:
11+ Kent English Bundle
➢ The following 11+ resources extensively cover the Mathematics section of the Kent Test, allowing your child to thoroughly prepare for exam day:
Full Practice Tests
Skill Specific Practice
11+ Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
11+ Reflection, Rotation & Symmetry
✅ You can now purchase a bundle of all of our recommended resources for the Maths section of the Kent 11+ Exam at a large discount. Click the button below to learn more:
11+ Kent Mathematics Bundle
➢ In order for your child to master Verbal Reasoning skills in the lead-up to the Kent Test, we recommend the following resources:
Verbal Reasoning
Full Practice Tests
Skill Specific Practice
11+ Verbal Reasoning Masterclass
✅ You can now purchase a bundle of all of our recommended resources for the Verbal Reasoning section of the Kent 11+ Exam at a large discount. Click the button below to learn more:
11+ Kent Verbal Reasoning Bundle
➢ The following resources will help boost your child’s Non-Verbal and Spatial Reasoning abilities ahead of the Kent Test:
Non-Verbal Reasoning
Full Practice Tests
11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning – Pack 1
11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning – Pack 2
11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning – Pack 3
11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning – Pack 4
Skill Specific Practice
11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning Masterclass
Spatial Reasoning
Full Practice Tests
11+ Spatial Reasoning – Pack 1
Skill Specific Practice
✅ You can now purchase a bundle of all of our recommended resources for the Non-Verbal and Spatial Reasoning section of the Kent 11+ Exam at a large discount. Click the button below to learn more:
11+ Kent NVR & SR Bundle - Save 35%
Don’t forget to use the code eppdiscount at checkout to get 10% off orders over £70 and 20% off orders over £250 if you don’t buy a bundle.
Our practice tests aim to show what sort of questions have been included in Dover Grammar School for Girls 11+ past papers. The information provided about Dover Grammar School for Girls is believed to be correct at the time of publishing. However, please be aware of future changes. We advise you to contact the school directly if you are unsure of anything. School contact details are provided within the article.
Please note that Exam Papers Plus is an independent publisher of practice tests and resources, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Dover Grammar School for Girls.
Frequently Asked Questions About 11+ Entry to Dover Grammar School for Girls
How old is Dover Grammar School for Girls?
Dover Grammar School for Girls dates back to 1904 but was officially formed in 1910.
When are the Dover Grammar School for Girls Open Days held?
Dover Grammar School for Girls hosts Open Evening in June, welcoming prospective families on campus for a lively event packed with activities.
What are the admissions criteria for Dover Grammar School for Girls?
Dover Grammar School for Girls assesses prospective pupils through the standardised Kent Test (PESE), also used by other schools in the Kent Grammar School Consortium. The assessment covers English, Mathematics and Reasoning (Verbal, Non-Verbal and Spatial). Alternatively, prospective pupils can sit the Dover Test.
How do I register my child for the Dover Grammar School for Girls 11+ Kent test?
Parents applying to Dover Grammar School for Girls must register their child for the 11+ exam using an online portal, which can be accessed through the Kent County Council website. Residents of Kent also need to state Dover Grammar School for Girls as their preferred secondary school on the Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF).
Can I apply for 11+ entry to a Kent school other than Dover Grammar School for Girls?
Yes, you can apply for entry to up to four Kent grammar schools by naming them as preferences on the Secondary Common Application Form.
What’s the format of the Dover Grammar School for Girls 11+ Kent Test?
All 11+ applicants for entry to Dover Grammar School for Girls will be asked to sit the Kent (PESE) Test which tests English comprehension, Reasoning abilities and Mathematics. There will also be a creative writing paper, which isn’t marked for the purposes of the 11 Plus exam but may be used as evidence for borderline cases.
Is there Non-Verbal Reasoning in the Dover Grammar School for Girls 11+ Kent Test?
Yes, the Dover Grammar School for Girls 11+ Kent exam does test Non-Verbal Reasoning, combining it with Spatial Reasoning questions.
Is there any way to prepare for the Dover Grammar School for Girls 11+ Kent Test?
One of the best ways to prepare for a challenging entrance exam, such as the Kent Test, is to use practice tests. They will provide your daughter with the opportunity to become familiar with the format and question types that she will encounter in the actual exam. Our practice papers are used successfully every year by hundreds of thousands of students targeting schools with a competitive entrance exam.
Which are the best preparation materials for the Dover Grammar School for Girls 11+ Kent Test?
We recommend beginning with a few full practice tests, such as this one. These will act as diagnostics so you can quickly work out which areas your child needs to focus on. You can then select the relevant topic based material listed above to target weaker areas. Please get in touch if you need advice on how to prepare or what to focus on for each section and stage of the exam.
Where can I find the best 11+ Dover Grammar School for Girls mock exam for the Kent Test?
Our 11+ Kent Practice Tests replicate the format and style of the actual exam, effectively preparing students for success in this competitive assessment. Each practice test is designed to mimic the full examination experience, covering relevant Maths, English and Reasoning question types. More details are available on this page.
What is the pass mark for the Dover Grammar School for Girls 11+ Kent Test?
Historical data shows that most schools in the area do not admit applicants who have a standardised score of less than 109 and a total score of less than 332. Exam results from previous years suggest this correlates with a score of roughly 75%+ in our 11+ practice tests.