Churston Ferrers Grammar School is a co-educational grammar school for pupils aged 11-18. Its most recent Ofsted report praised the high expectations staff have of pupils and the positive relationships that exist between staff and pupils.
Students are stretched academically at Churston so that they reach their full potential, with academic excellence being one of the school’s priorities. In 2023, the school had a Progress 8 score of 0.62, indicating that pupils’ progress exceeded predictions based on their academic performance at primary school.
The enrichment programme at Churston is extensive, with the school firmly believing that pupils need to develop holistically and not just academically. All pupils are encouraged to learn new skills and enhance their existing talents, which helps to build resilience and confidence.
Pastoral care is another of Churston’s priorities. All members of the school community are expected to treat each other with kindness and respect, and students are taught about the importance of wellbeing. This helps to create a positive environment in which pupils thrive.
Churston Ferrers Grammar School: Admissions Process for In-Year Entry (11 Plus, 12 Plus and 13 Plus)
The start of Year 7 is the standard entry point for pupils joining Churston Ferrers Grammar School. However, the school will take applications for late (in-year) entry for Years 7, 8 and 9.
When a place becomes available in your child’s school year, you will be contacted and informed about the testing arrangements.
Your child will sit online GL Assessment Progress Tests for late entry to Year 7, 8 or 9. If more candidates meet the required standard in the tests than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:
- To Looked After Children or previously Looked After Children
- To children who are entitled to Pupil Premium
- To those who achieved the highest scores in the Progress Tests
Proximity to the school will be looked at if two or more candidates are equally entitled to a place based on the above criteria.
Offers will be made within ten school days of the entrance exams being sat.
More details about in-year admissions can be found here.
Churston Ferrers Grammar School: School Details and Late Transfer (In-Year) Exam Information
School address: Greenway Road, Brixham, TQ5 0LN
County: Devon
Admissions info: or 01803 842289, option 3
School type: Co-educational grammar school
Entrance exams for in-year entry: GL Assessment Progress Tests in English and maths
Your child will complete the 11+, 12+ or 13+ Progress Tests, depending upon which year they are in.
The Progress Test in English (PTE) will evaluate the standard of your child’s spelling, punctuation and grammar. It will also use fictional and non-fictional texts to check their reading comprehension.
The Progress Test in maths (PTM) will assess your child’s mathematical knowledge and competency in areas such as algebra, data handling and shapes. It will also assess your child’s mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills.
These tests will be taken online.
Preparing for the Churston Ferrers Grammar School Late Transfer (In-Year) 11+, 12+ or 13+ Entrance Exams
At Exam Papers Plus, we recommend that your child spends time preparing for the in-year entrance exams. Doing so will put them in a strong position to do well and could be the difference between them getting offered a place and not getting offered a place at Churston.
If they start their preparation early, study sessions can be kept short, which will help prevent studying from feeling like a huge chore.
Our paper-based resources are ideal to use when preparing for the in-year 11+, 12+ or 13+ entrance exams, as they cover the areas your child will need to be proficient in to do well. Furthermore, having plenty of practice answering the types of questions that will come up in the entrance exams will enable your child to work efficiently and accurately on the day.
Churston Ferrers Grammar School: Practice Materials
Progress Test (11+)
We highly recommend the following exercises to prepare successfully for the Churston Ferrers Grammar School 11+ Progress Test. They will help improve your child’s English and Maths skills at the appropriate level:
Progress Practice Test – Year 6
To access our 12+ resource recommendations, please click the below links:
English (12+)
We highly recommend the following packs to prepare successfully for the Churston Ferrers Grammar School 12+ English paper:
12+ English: Vocabulary & Grammar
Mathematics (12+)
We highly recommend the use of the following pack to help develop your child’s arithmetic and problem-solving skills within the examination context of the Churston Ferrers Grammar School 12 Plus maths test:
12+ Mathematics: Mental Arithmetic
12+ Mathematics: Problem Solving
To access our 13+ resource recommendations, please click the below links:
English (13+)
We highly recommend the following packs to prepare successfully for the Churston Ferrers Grammar School 13+ English paper:
Mathematics (13+)
We highly recommend the use of the following pack to help develop your child’s arithmetic and problem-solving skills within the examination context of the Churston Ferrers Grammar School 13 Plus maths test:
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If you have any questions about any of our resources, please contact us.
The information provided about Churston Ferrers Grammar School was believed to be correct at the time of publishing. However, please be aware of possible future changes. We advise you to contact the school directly if you are unsure of anything. School contact details are provided within the post.
Please note that Exam Papers Plus is an independent publisher of practice tests and resources and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the publishers of the GL Progress Tests or any other test publisher.