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11+ Exam, Spatial Reasoning – Topic Specific Practice Tests

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We’ve just released some new products to help your child prepare for 11+ Spatial Reasoning Exams:


11+ Spatial Reasoning: Block Counting

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Combining Shapes

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Fold & Punch

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Folding Cubes

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Hidden Shapes

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Shape Completion

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Spinning Shapes

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Rotation


What is Spatial Reasoning?


Spatial Reasoning focuses on assessing your child’s ability to interpret patterns within shape and space, often with a three-dimensional component.


Questions are presented in a multiple-choice format where students are required to choose the single correct answer from a variety of options provided.


Is Spatial Reasoning relevant for my child?


Spatial Reasoning questions are becoming increasingly common in 11+ exams as they are perceived to be relatively hard to prepare for.


This is especially true now as many more grammar schools switch over to the GL Assessment 11+ exam format this year.


Confusingly, the official familiarisation material won’t always clarify whether Spatial Reasoning is included. There is a recent trend whereby Spatial Reasoning questions are classified more generally under Non-Verbal Reasoning.


So, if your child is taking a GL Assessment 11+ exam that includes Non-Verbal Reasoning, it is quite possible that this will also include Spatial Reasoning questions.


Spatial Reasoning questions could be included in the following grammar schools and regions:


Kent Grammar Schools

Wirral Grammar Schools

Bexley Grammar Schools

Slough Grammar Schools

Trafford Grammar Schools

Medway Grammar Schools

Redbridge Grammar Schools

Lincolnshire Grammar Schools

Birmingham Grammar Schools

Warwickshire Grammar Schools

West Midlands Grammar Schools

Gloucestershire Grammar Schools

Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools

Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Penrith 

St. Olave’s Grammar School not GL

Bishop Wordsworth’s School

Kendrick School


It’s also becoming increasingly common for independent schools to include Spatial Reasoning questions either as a separate section or within the Non-Verbal Reasoning section of their entrance exams. Spatial Reasoning questions also feature heavily in the new ISEB Pretest.


How can I help my child improve their Spatial Reasoning?


Most children find Spatial Reasoning quite challenging. It’s not something they come across in school and the types of questions asked are often confusing and mind-bending!


As with developing any skill, a little practice and familiarity can go a long way. If your child has been exposed to the various question types that will come up in their exam and has had the opportunity to practise sample questions and view detailed explanations, they are clearly going to enter their exam with greater confidence.


Up until now, high quality learning and teaching resources for Spatial Reasoning have been very hard to come by. The ones that do exist tend to miss key question types and styles.


This is why we created our popular 11+ Spatial Reasoning Pack.


These new packs offer further targeted practice in each of the GL Spatial Reasoning question types. So if your child finds specific question types challenging, these new packs offer an efficient and effective way to quickly target weak areas and improve.


Sample pages are included on each of the new product pages below so you can see what each question type looks like and how it works.


The tests are laid out to match the actual exam format so your child becomes familiar with what they will see on exam day. Answers, answer sheets and explanations are included for every question too so your child can easily learn from their mistakes.


We worked with an official GL Assessment 11+ Spatial Reasoning specialist to ensure we’ve covered all the known question types, many of which you won’t find elsewhere.


These packs are therefore the most accurate practice you will find for 11+ Spatial Reasoning:


11+ Spatial Reasoning: Block Counting

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Combining Shapes

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Fold & Punch

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Folding Cubes

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Hidden Shapes

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Shape Completion

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Spinning Shapes

11+ Spatial Reasoning: Rotation


Are there any Special Offers available?


Yes! If you buy the Bundle of all eight packs together, you can save 15%! Click the button below to take advantage of this offer:


11+ Spatial Reasoning Topic Bundle

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