Advice 10+ Year 5 Trinity School, Croydon, 10 Plus (10+) Exam Information – Key Details

Trinity School, Croydon, 10 Plus (10+) Exam Information – Key Details

Written by Faisal Nasim



Trinity School forms part of the Whitgift Foundation, founded in 1596 by John Whitgift, the Archbishop of Canterbury. The foundation supports three schools: Trinity School, Whitgift School and Old Palace School. Trinity is a high-performing establishment with a long and varied alumni list, including esteemed composers, politicians, scientists and sportsmen. [1]


The boys who join Trinity each September come from state primary schools and from independent prep schools. The establishment admits boys from a wide breadth of backgrounds, enriching the cultural experience of both the students and the school as a whole.


Trinity’s positive and friendly community, in which pupils thrive, is designed specifically to meet the needs of bright boys, ensuring that they benefit fully from the social and academic interactions the school readily provides. The curriculum is extensive, catering for pupils’ needs for intellectual growth by maximising their mathematical, technological, scientific, linguistic and other intellectual abilities.


The school occupies a contemporary, spacious building, boasting state-of-the-art facilities, such as a 25-metre swimming pool, five badminton courts, two netball courts and two football pitches. The impressive 470-seat Concert Hall delivers outstanding artistic performances, while the Mitre Theatre captivates enthusiasts of drama and theatre. [2]


With over 100 clubs and societies available, students can delve into diverse interests, from bee-keeping, chess and fencing to ceramics, LAMDA and engineering. Trinity caters for everyone, both pastorally and academically, delivering stellar outcomes that position the school among the most sought-after establishments. This excellence is underscored by the recent GCSE results, where an impressive 89% of grades were within the superior 9-7 range.


Trinity School 10 Plus (10+) Exam Information


Address: Shirley Park, Croydon, CR9 7AT

County: Surrey

Admissions info: or 020 8656 9541

School type: Independent day school for boys

Open events: Autumn term 

10+ Exam date: December of Year 5

10+ Exam type / Board: Online test & written papers


Trinity School 10 Plus (10+) Open Days


The Whole School Open Day takes place in September, welcoming prospective families to Trinity’s campus for a vibrant event, including tours of the site and an address from the Head. Other open events and tours are held throughout the Autumn term, allowing you and your child to become familiar with Trinity’s holistic offering. A booking can be made through this page


Trinity School 10 Plus (10+) Admissions


Registering for 10+ entry at Trinity School should be done by the deadline in October of the year preceding entry. The application form can be accessed through this page and should be submitted with a £200 non-refundable fee. Please note, you will not need to pay this fee if your child qualifies for Pupil Premium or if you are in receipt of Universal Credit.


The entrance examination takes place in December of Year 5 and consists of two parts:


– An online test

– Written papers


If your son performs well in these assessments, he will be invited to attend an interview conducted by a member of the teaching staff. Successful candidates will receive an offer of a place in February, to be accepted by the deadline later in the same month.  


Trinity School 10 Plus (10+) Scholarships and Bursaries


The school offers both scholarships and means-tested bursaries. The following are available:


– Scholarships

– Bursaries from the John Whitgift Foundation

– Bursaries from the school’s own fund


Scholarships are valued at up to 50% of the fees. Trinity offers scholarships in the areas of academia, music, drama, sports, design technology and art. A separate application isn’t necessary for Academic scholarships as all entrants will be considered for them; however, other awards do require one. 


For 10+ Music scholarships, candidates should demonstrate a performance capability between Grade III and Grade IV on their main instrument. For Drama, children should present a brief 1-minute monologue from their favourite play or poem. Candidates applying for a Sports scholarship will be invited to an assessment day following the entrance examination. To learn more about scholarships at Trinity, please click here.


Bursaries are offered to as many families as possible who, following a thorough assessment of their circumstances, meet the school’s criteria for financial assistance. Bursary application forms should be completed prior to the entrance examination. Click here to learn more. 


Trinity School 10 Plus (10+) Exam Format


All registered candidates will be invited to sit an entrance examination early in December of Year 5, consisting of:


Online test


The online test consists of the following sections:


– Mathematics (20 minutes)

– English (20 minutes)

– Verbal Reasoning (10 minutes)

– Non-Verbal Reasoning (10 minutes)


The Maths section assesses arithmetic and problem-solving skills through questions with diagrams and/or charts, while the English section consists of multiple-choice questions that gauge abilities in comprehension, grammar, spelling and punctuation.


The Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning sections assess vocabulary skills and comprehension of contextual meaning and the ability to reason using shapes, space, diagrams and images, respectively. 


Written test


  • Creative Writing (30 minutes)
  • Mathematical Problem Solving (30 minutes)


The Creative Writing paper assesses skills such as spelling, vocabulary, punctuation and creativity, while the Maths paper covers arithmetic, algebra, geometry and basic statistics, requiring students to apply these mathematical areas to solve various problems.


Students who perform well in the entrance examination will be invited back to the school for an interview, held in January.


Trinity School 10 Plus (10+) Interview


The interview lasts around 15-30 minutes, and gives the school an opportunity to get to know your son beyond his examination results. It will concentrate on his strengths and interests, as well as any weaknesses which might have been identified from his exam results. Candidates might be asked to bring a sample of their school work or an object of interest to act as the starting point for a discussion.


Trinity School 10 Plus (10+) Exam Practice Tests & Papers


Trinity 10+ Online Practice 


Each of the following Trinity 10+ practice tests is marked automatically. Your child will then be able to review every question in detail with a clear step-by-step explanation. Comparative ranking statistics are also provided so you can get an idea of your child’s relative level compared to his peer group.


10+ Trinity School Practice Test 1

10+ Trinity School Practice Test 2

10+ Trinity School Practice Test 3

10+ Trinity School Practice Test 4

10+ Trinity School Practice Test 5


✅ You can now purchase a bundle of all of our recommended practice tests for the Trinity School 10+ online test at a large discount. These are available on our other site, Pretest Plus. Click the button below to learn more:


10+ Trinity Tests 1-5 Bundle - Save 25%



Don’t forget to use the code ppdiscount at checkout to get 10% off orders over £80 and 20% off orders over £200 if you don’t buy a bundle.



Trinity 10+ English Writing


We highly recommend the following 10+ resources to help your son prepare for the creative writing assessment:


10+ Writing Prompts

10+ Rewrite & Improve

10+ Spelling

10+ Punctuation


If you’d like to have your child’s writing assessed and marked, you may be interested in our Writing Marking Service. Please click here to learn more.


Trinity 10+ Problem Solving


The following exercises will help your son effectively prepare for the Maths problem-solving paper:


10+ Problem Solving



Don’t forget to use the code eppdiscount at checkout to get 10% off orders over £70 and 20% off orders over £250 if you don’t buy a bundle.



Our practice tests aim to show what sort of questions have been included in Trinity School, Croydon 10+ past papers. The information provided about Trinity School, Croydon is believed to be correct at the time of publishing. However, please be aware of future changes. We advise you to contact the school directly if you are unsure of anything. School contact details are provided within the article.


Please note that Exam Papers Plus is an independent publisher of practice tests and resources, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Trinity School, Croydon.


Other entry points for Trinity School:


Click here to learn about Year 7 entry via the 11 Plus (11+) Exam

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